segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2016

Perspectivas do Turismo para 2017

Várias são as entidades brasileiras que comungam do pensamento da promoção do turismo, são tantas que fica difícil elencar todas, seja no cenário do Município, do Estado e da União. Podemos ver esta estrutura de baixo para cima e, caso estas realmente realizassem o que propõe, seja individual ou coletivamente, daria um excelente resultado. Mas, na prática, vemos uma grande desarticulação das ações e desperdício de recursos. Neste texto, sobre as perspectivas do turismo em Marabá para 2017, no finalzinho do texto tentaremos apresentar a nossa opinião.

quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2016

Nova Praça São Francisco

Foto: TRE-PA
O traçado da praça São Francisco vem sofrendo constantes modificações. Até o final de 1999 havia na rua Afro Sampaio, local da praça antiga a Escola Artur Guerra e uma Quadra de Esportes, com a rua aberta para circulação das pessoas. A alegação do então prefeito Dr. Geraldo Veloso para a retirada da escola e da quadra esportiva é que havia muita poluição sonora de carros de som, de ambulantes em uma feira muito bagunçada que tomava a frente do estabelecimento escolar e quase impediam os alunos de entrarem. Um monte de barracas improvisadas.

Learn about the Brazilian Parks

Beautiful scenery of the Carajás National Forest
Yellowstone National Park is a major attraction for the Americans, who consider it one of the areas of greatest natural beauty of the United States. This is the famous park Bear Yogi Bear, for sheltering inside huge animals like bears and geology, there geysers are the sources of natural hot water that are ejected from the ground and produce a spectacular effect, whose jets reach up to 56 meters high and take place every 90 minutes. Despite all the development and modernity of their cities, Americans continue to love the immense beauty of the natural landscapes of the United States, and national parks are one of his great passions. Several of these parks are close to some of the major cities in the country, which makes quite a visit!

The First Brazilian Parks In
Brazil we have 71 national parks, the first was the Itatiaia National Park in Rio de Janeiro, created on 14 June 1937 by Getulio Vargas. Then came the Iguaçu in Parana on January 10, 1939, and the Organ Mountains on November 30, 1939, also in Rio de Janeiro. In 1974 the Amazon National Park was created in the municipality of Itaituba, in Pará State with an area of ​​945,851.00 hectares and is managed by ICMBio, with a concern for environmental preservation. The best time to visit is between the months of July and December, when the rains decrease and you can see the diversity of fauna and flora. Tourists will have the opportunity to venture through rapids, outcrops, trails in gently rolling relief, knowing waterfalls, sand banks, creeks, beaches and mountains of the Tapajós River.

Waterfall in the Park Pau Brasil

The National Park Pau Brazil - The Newest
Recently, ie 31 October 2016 created the Pau National Park Brazil, protected area of ​​19 000 hectares of Atlantic Forest, located in the south of Bahia, a region that is the cradle of Brazil, the park opened doors for public viewing on Friday (28). Visits can now be scheduled from Tuesday (1st).

The event included also the opening of Romulo Visitor Center Mello, a tribute to the server, environmental analyst and president of ICMBio recently died due to a heart attack.

Importance of public use
During the ceremony, officials stressed the role of public use and visitation as protected areas management tools, approaching the company, boosting regional development and assisting the inspection, since the public presence inhibits the occurrence of environmental crimes such areas.

"The opening of a national park is always cause for celebration. And when it comes to the largest natural core of the species of tree that gave its name to our country, the symbolic value is even greater, "said Sarney Filho. According to the minister, it is essential to work the possibilities for public use, respecting the particularities of each territory.

Ricardo Soavinski, the visitation must be seen as a management tool and enhancement of conservation areas: "National parks should not be isolated areas of society, but spaces to practice conservation," he said.

The head of the National Park Pau Brazil, Fábio Faraco, also stressed the historical value of the area: "This is where Brazil began. This story needed to be told and rescued, but it only became possible thanks to the park staff, local communities and partner institutions. "

Four-year work
The planning of tourism and leisure activities was run over four years, and, in the last stage (18 months), supported by Pau National Park Strengthening Project Brazil, a partnership of ICMBio with Conservation International (CI-Brazil ), Porto Seguro Prefecture, Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) Rio Brazil, Veracel Celulose and Association Wake Trancoso.

Rodrigo Medeiros, vice president of CI-Brazil, talked about the iconic role of the Park Pau Brazil and the public use as a regional development vector and may move about 1.7 billion reais a year. "From this experience, the goal is to get projects like this to other southern protected areas of Bahia."

Medeiros took advantage of his speech to announce the launch of Abrolhos Land and Sea Fund, funding instrument and financial resources management intended initially to seven federal protected areas in the region: National parks of Pau Brazil, Monte Pascoal, Discovery and Abrolhos; Extractive reserves Corumbau and Cassurubá; and Wildlife Refuge Rio of the Friars.

The fund's resources, starting with a contribution of $ 2.1 million arising from the Global Conservation Fund (GCF) will be applied in preparing these areas for public use, tourism, recreation and environmental education.

The discovery to the public 
The National Park Pau Brazil is located in the Discovery Coast, more precisely in the Green Valley district of Porto Seguro, Bahia south coast. Founded in 1536, the Green Valley was one of the first Jesuits settlements in Brazil and still preserves much of this story. Visit the site is to make a trip to our past. Moreover, historical occupation area and anthropogenic generated consequences for the environment. The creation of the park in 1999 and its expansion in 2010, came in order to mitigate these impacts, protecting more than 10 000 species of fauna and flora of the Atlantic, some endemic (only exist there), as well as important resources water and the remaining populations of Brazil wood tree. Now open to public use, UC offers visitors six marked trails, waterfall, landscape observation lookouts and the "Brazil wood refuge", which brings together in the same space young trees and ancient: an experience that delights and excites. According to Fábio Faraco, the next attractive ecotourism to be installed will be the rustic camping and zip lines. The head of the park explains further that the visits are already released for cyclists. Other visitors should seek accredited travel agencies since it will not be allowed access to private cars in the drive. "For the general public, the visitation may be made through tour operators in the region, which will make the appointment with the park staff," says Faraco.

The rich biodiversity found in the park is even more evident when it comes to the birds that live there, many of them endemic or endangered. One example is the harpy eagle (Harpy harpyja): the species has six couples living in the unit area, and three nests are monitored with cameras. Other emblematic species are the parrot-browed (rhodocorytha Amazon) and the hummingbird-balance-tailed cinnamon (Glaucis dohrnii).

To take advantage of potential size, was launched this year a project of 'Birdwatching' (Bird Watching), which, between 2016 and 2019, must map the areas of the following protected areas where the activity can be developed: Pau National Park Brazil, Refuge Vida Silvestre Rio of the Friars and RPPNs Rio and Brazil Veracel Station. "The next step is the training of the surrounding community to become drivers in this project," says Fábio Faraco.

terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2016

Creation of the National Park Ferruginous Campos Carajás

Animal fauna of the Carajás National Forest
Yellowstone National Park is a major attraction for the Americans, who consider it one of the areas of greatest natural beauty of the United States. This is the famous park Bear Yogi Bear, for sheltering inside huge animals like bears and geology, there geysers are the sources of natural hot water that are ejected from the ground and produce a spectacular effect, whose jets reach up to 56 meters high and take place every 90 minutes. Despite all the development and modernity of their cities, Americans continue to love the immense beauty of the natural landscapes of the United States, and national parks are one of his great passions. Several of these parks are close to some major cities of the country, which makes quite a visit!

Parques Nacionais, Um pouco de história

Urso do lindo Parque de Yellowstone nos EUA.
O Parque Nacional de Yellowstone é um grande atrativo para os americanos, que a consideram uma das áreas de maior beleza natural dos Estados Unidos. Este é o famoso parque do Urso Zé Colmeia, por abrigar em seu interior animais enormes como ursos e por sua geologia, lá encontram-se os geysers, as fontes de água quente natural que são ejetadas do chão e produzem um efeito espetacular, cujos jatos alcançam até 56 metros de altura e acontecem a cada 90 minutos. Apesar de todo o desenvolvimento e modernidade das suas cidades, os americanos continuam amando a imensa beleza das paisagens naturais dos Estados Unidos, e os parques nacionais são uma das suas grandes paixões. Vários destes parques ficam próximos de algumas das principais cidades dos país, o que facilita bastante uma visita!

segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2016

Consulta Pública Parque Nacional dos Campos Ferruginosos

O Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade está convidando a comunidade em geral, órgãos ambientais, entidades públicas federais, estaduais e municipais, organizações não governamentais, proprietários de terras e representantes dos setores públicos para participarem da consulta pública sobre a criação do Parque Nacional dos Campos Ferruginosos de Carajás.
As consultas serão realizadas nos municípios de Parauapebas e Canaã dos Carajás.

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2016

Turismo, Desenvolvimento de Vocações Econômicas

Em face do momento crítico da saúde financeira da cidade, emergem especulações sobre essa ou aquela atividade que vai trazer o desenvolvimento para Marabá. Até parece uma ladainha. Divulgam-se, tiram-se fotos de reuniões e logo estas vão para as páginas dos jornais. Um jornal local publicou a seguinte manchete na sua capa: "Siderúrgica à Vista". E essas conversam vão se proliferando e criando expectativas e os comentários são otimistas, "Você viu a notícia boa? Da siderúrgica que virá?" Outros já falam dos parceiros e a coisa vai crescendo sem avaliações mais criteriosas.

sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2016

Tourism: Development of Economic Vocations

In view of the critical moment of the financial health of the city, emerging speculation about this or that activity that will bring development to Marabá. It seems a litany. They speculate up, take up photos of meetings and then they go to the pages of newspapers. A local newspaper ran the headline on its cover: "Steel in Sight". And these will talk proliferating and creating expectations and comments are optimistic, "Have you seen the good news? From steel to come?" Others already talk of the partners and the thing grows without more careful evaluations. Politicians are adept at making factoids. But like many of speculation and do not even realize it was reported that a study group would be formed. That game scene of politicians who need to bury him. If a study group has been formed, then it is because the issue needs more subsidies. I am not opposing me to development, just see the rush of some disturb.

quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2016

Turismo para gringo ver

Uma riqueza ainda não explorada, mal mostrada ou desconhecida para nós brasileiros e para o mundo. Se o turismo é uma atividade de exploração de encantos e de beleza natural, entre outras boas razões, precisamos conhecer e gerar divisas com o meio ambiente que temos. É claro que estamos falando de uma grande riqueza natural que Deus nos presenteou e já apresentamos numa postagem anterior. Estamos nos referindo a Floresta Nacional do Tapirapé-Aquiri, Itacaiúnas e da Reserva Biológica do Tapirapé-Aquiri.

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2016

Tourism to see gringo

A wealth untapped, barely shown or unknown to us Brazilians and to the world. If tourism is an activity of exploration charms and natural beauty, among other good reasons, we need to know and generate foreign exchange with the environment we have. Of course we are talking about a great natural wealth that God gave us and already present in a previous post. We are referring to the National Forest Tapirapé-Aquiri, Itacaiúnas and Biological Reserve Tapirapé-Aquiri.

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2016

Turismo Acessível, Serviços Qualificados

O Brasil tem cerca de 45,6 milhões de pessoas com algum tipo de deficiência, o que representa cerca de 23,92% da população brasileira. Esse número de 2014 não é nada desprezível, mas, essas pessoas comumente não são vistas quando se pensa em políticas públicas, com o turismo não é diferente. É preciso entender esse público que precisa ser atendido de acordo com as suas necessidades, é o Turismo Acessível que pode oferecer um leque de opções. São pessoas que não podem ficar de fora do mercado consumidor, mas, é preciso considerar suas demandas. Uma paisagem maravilhosa, de encher aos olhos, pode não ter a acessibilidade devida. Humm, que pecado.

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